Thursday, February 24, 2005

Frog Pond Redeaux

I just completely frogged both Friday Harbor socks. Both were on the second round of the instep pattern and now they are back to being just balls of yarn. What happened? Well, a couple of days ago, it became clear they were too long in the leg, so I ripped both back past the gussets, past the heels and a good 2" into the cuff and started over. Last night I got both heels done and was working my way down the foot once more feeling pretty stupid that I hadn't noticed this extra length earlier. When I picked them up today, it dawned on me that I just didn't like them...period. I love the pattern. I love the yarn. But I just didn't like them together and was concerned about fit. I had worked out the pattern to use fingering yarn instead of DK or sport or whatever she used and I just didn't like the way they felt. So it's back to square one with those.

On a brighter note, the Frolicking Shamrocks are coming along fine and I got more beads for a few more pair. These beads are much nicer than the ones I got locally...ordered them from Auntie's Beads online. A great selection and super colors. I actually got four different shades of green-three of which I love.

So I'm happy there and will sit on the gorgeous CTH yarn until some other pattern strikes me. In the meantime, I may try the Friday Harbor again with some of the Peruvian Collection Baby Silk I just ordered from Elann. Yahoo! Four balls of four colors...I'm in heaven!!

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